ME and Meih

My photo
Digos, Philippines
I am 23 years old and a nursing graduate. Still trying to get my license. Currently working as a call center agent. I am a very sensitive person. Just for my self and not for others. When I love, I love. I do everything for it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Homework of my Niece (Synonyms, Antonyms and Homonyms)


1. Eager - Earnest
2. Spontaneous - Impromptu
3. Close - Shut
4. Blowup - Inflate
5. Shallow - Superficial
6. Drunk - Loaded
7. Feasting - Banquet
8. Ferocious - Furious
9. Coarse - Common
10. Coach - Train
11. Shade - Darken
12. Shaky - Unstable
13. Tears - Snap
14. Swarm - Stream
15. Tedious - Boring


1. Weak - Strong
2. Low - High
3. Thick - Thin
4. Straight - Crooked
5. Agree - Disagree
6. Nice - Mean
7. Old - Young
8. Near - Far
9. Tall - Short
10. Day - Night
11. Sleep - Awake
12. Sense - Nonsense
13. Decent - Indecent
14. Human - Inhuman
15. Male - Female


1. Made - Maid
2. Ate - Eight
3. Meat - Meet
4. Bear - Bare
5. Read - Reed
6. Light - Lite
7. Advise - Advice
8. Ascent - Assent
9. Ail - Ale
10. Allay - Alley
11. Bail - Bale
12. Nit - Neat
13. Teem - Team